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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Long time no see :P

Wowwa.. It's been a longggggg time.. Well.. Not a lot is going on right now. I had my choir concert last week and that went pretty well.. Seminary is.. interesting... School is going pretty well. I think i should have straight A's by the end of the semester :).. hopefull exams will go well next week though! There's probably a lot of other stuff going on but i guess none of it is important enough to remember ahaha. well, later.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


heyya! Youth Conference was sooooooooo much fun last week! it was so much better than last year's. Wednesday night the YW that were going slept over at Ryan and Megan's, first we had a movie night there for mutual, then we watched Phantom of The Opera after everyone else left, then we were just messin around for a while, and me and Ali ran around the island thing in the kitchen 107 times, until i slipped on the water that Ali spelt on the floor lol. we were mega hyper... then we played Sardines lol... and eventually got to sleep.. kinda..

Then thursday Me, Sam, Lindsey, Ali, Patrick, Morgan, and Ryan and Megan drove up to Eckerd College, got assigned to our dorms and groups, had a devotional, ate, and went outside for a bunch of activities and stuff like that.. they were pretty fun, then after we finished that we got an ultimate frisbee game going outside, it was funn! then a lot of us ended up in a water fight.. it was mega hot, and the water was FREEZING. lol but it was fun!! then we went back to our dorms and had an hour to get ready for dinner, the thing with Kenneth Cope, then the Dance!!!! after dinner Kenneth Cope came and had a concert/talk thang.. it was soo good! i loved it. my favorite song was What Have I Done With His Name.. kinda long title lol but i loved that song so much. they were all good though. i wish it didn't end when he finished, it was so good and i didn't want the dance to kill the mood or whatever. but the dance was mega fun too. i had so much fun! it was a blast. the only time i wasn't dancing was when i went 2 get a drink of water lol i was sooo tired after the dance. but after the dance we all changed and got with our groups for a devotional, i had the best group ever!!! Megan was our leader, and me, Ali, Felicia, Evan and Ashlee were all in the same group, it was pretty good!!! i loved the devotionals we had with our group, they were so great!

anyways, then Friday we got up, ate, had a devotional, went to a lot of workshops, then i think went to lunch.. then i don't remember what else! then later we had dinner, Bishop Dunn spoke, then another dance!! Bishop Dunn had a really good talk about heros, i loved it! he's pretty funny too. then the dance was mega fun!!! then Saturday we basically had breakfast then got ready to leave. :'( i didn't wanna leave. i wish they could make YC longer. it was soooo much fun, and i don't know when i'll see some of my friends from ft myers again! i'll miss it so much. i hope we can do youth conference with ft myers next year.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Oh my gosh High Adventure was Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much funn!!! we went sailing starting monday, spent the night on the boat, camped out at Cayo Costa island the next day, then was sailing back wednesday and thursday. it was sooo much fun! if i went into detail this thing would be too long to read lol but it was mega fun. then on thursday we finally got to the actual camp and got cleaned up, then on friday i was on the giant waterslide thing and stuff all of the free time and then that night we had testimony meeting. it was so good, i loved it. Kangaroo court was earlier that day, it wasn't too great but oh well. Today i've been trying to catch up on sleep lol. well i'll talk 2 u all laterr!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


SCHOOL IS OUT!! summer is finally here and i'm mega psyched! i'm sooooo happy! going sailing and camping in 2 weeks, then the next week is youth conference!!!! i'm so psyched!! things are going pretty well!!! gotta make lots of plans this summer!! i'm goin to make this summer the best EVER!!! well... no actually i'm not.. i'm not goin to utah so it can't be the best.. but it'll definantly be good! well today i had my english exam and my art exam, and i barely got my art project done in time lol. it turned out pretty good though! i used oil pastels for the whole thing and i haven't used them much before, but they are awesome! the only things i'm really going to miss about school is art, drama, and gym lol. the only reason i wasn't bored to death all of freshman year is because of those classes through the year and my friends!! i would not survive without my friends lol. and my ipod.. lol. i got a couple pics of the last day(and when i say a couple i mean it, i really think i only ended up taking about 2.) but i haven't put them on the computer yet but i'll get them on here eventually! l8r!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

SchOol, sUmMer, DAncE!

Well.. not too much is going on.. reviewed for exams on monday, had health and algebra exam today, science and tech exams tomorrow, and Art and english exams on thursday.. i've been working on my art project sooooooooooooooo much.. i have to have it finished in 2 days.. pretty crazy. after thursday its SUMMERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! i'm mega psyched! i can't wait for sailing!!!! fun stuff! anyways. then on saturday we should be have a stake dance @ pc. i'm mega psyched for that too. its gonna be beach theme and everything. i'm psyched! well thats about it for now.... see ya lata!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Busy day!!

Today was soooo much fun!! early this morning we had a garage sale fundraiser for girls camp, it was fun, and we made money, so that's always good! then later we went to lindsey and laurie's baptism, it was awesome! they are really cool and fun to be with! i'm glad they're here! Then after me, sam, and jaycee went miniature golfing! on the way there we took some pics and vids, and as you can see there is a loverly one of me and sam w/ a samoa cookie and upside down glasses lol. you know you love it. anyways, then we decided me, jaycee, sam, and jaycee were gonna make a group called the TTTT lol. don't ask me what it stands for cuz i don't even remember!!! we spent the car ride there making a vid about TTTT lol and it was hilarious! then we got to the golf course and we took a million vids of us golfing, we got brother smith to play with us, we had fun!!! in the end i got 1st place (unbelieveable, huh?), brother smith got 2nd, sam got 3rd, and jaycee got 4th. i got a hole in one!! it was amazing lol. it was a pretty good day!!! now i'm watching Wipe Out on tv with jaycee and dad. it's hilarious! i totally want to do it! hahah i would totally own! lol well, i'll talk 2 u all later!!!!

our last video of the day... lol

Friday, May 29, 2009

new blog

hey hey!! i made a new blog, in case you couldn't tell lol. my old one wasn't working anymore so i made a new one!! now i just need to remember to write on it. i'll talk to you all later though!!!!
lovelovelove, Jordie